When you are growing fast, your muscles need more nutrition. It is very difficult to fill up this additional nutritional requirement through regular diet. Usually there remains a gap between what your body needs and what it gets from diet. Here comes the role of muscle building supplement. Muscle building supplements are designed to fill these gaps, meeting higher nutritional requirements of your growing body.
Today's market is over-saturated with these products and everybody hypes their product as the best. Ordinary consumers are confused to choose one for them. It becomes an overwhelming task to select one from the big list of contenders. But if you look closely, you will see that what seemed to be overwhelming initially is not actually so. You can break the big problem into smaller pieces. First take a look at basic needs of your body and list them. Then see what you can supply through diet and how much of it. When you complete this exercise, compare the lists and you will get the items that your supplements must supply. Given below are some of the major supplement categories so that you can find what supplements you can add to your diet and balance your needs.
Protein Powder
You can use protein powder in following way:
1. Protein rich your regular meals.
2. Meet immediate protein needs especially after exercise when your muscles are hungry of protein.
3. Reduce muscle breakdown (muscle catabolism)
Protein powders are available in market in four types: whey, casein, soy and egg. Whey protein is most popular of all because of its complete amino acid profile. This is very helpful for muscle building. To select type of protein for yourself do not go by popularity but on important factors like: a) your diet plan, b) any food allergy, and c) easy availability at your local market.
Creatine provides energy to your muscles. This energy is used in muscle contraction. With added energy muscles can work longer and harder. This results in more reps, heavier weights and increased muscle mass.
The most popular form of creatine supplement is creatine monohydrate. You can take creatine monohydrate with water, fruit juice, dextrose or mixed with your protein or post workout shakes.
A multivitamin supplement that comes as capsule and tablet are a blend of essential vitamins and minerals. You take multivitamin to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals available in your normal diet. Multivitamin supplement does not show a direct link with muscle building but it helps keeping everyday health and well being.
Carbohydrate supplements come as simple and complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are slow digesting carbohydrates that you can use for additional calorie in your diet. But the most use of carbohydrate supplement is in simple carbohydrates or dextrose. This is used in post workout shakes to create insulin spiking in your blood. It helps moving nutrients through bloodstream into muscles cell faster and replaces lost glycogen.
EFAs (essential fatty acids)
EFAs are fats and oils that play an essential role in muscle growth, fitness and general health. It enhances stamina; speedy recovery from exhaustion, a Danish study found that EFAs, when taken in the small amount, improved cardiovascular function.
EFA supplements are available in two forms - oils and pills. Pills can be taken throughout the day and oils can be mixed with protein shakes or spread onto foods. Oils are the better way to get the right amounts of EFAs into your diet and can help increase your daily calorie intake.
Today's market is over-saturated with these products and everybody hypes their product as the best. Ordinary consumers are confused to choose one for them. It becomes an overwhelming task to select one from the big list of contenders. But if you look closely, you will see that what seemed to be overwhelming initially is not actually so. You can break the big problem into smaller pieces. First take a look at basic needs of your body and list them. Then see what you can supply through diet and how much of it. When you complete this exercise, compare the lists and you will get the items that your supplements must supply. Given below are some of the major supplement categories so that you can find what supplements you can add to your diet and balance your needs.
Protein Powder
You can use protein powder in following way:
1. Protein rich your regular meals.
2. Meet immediate protein needs especially after exercise when your muscles are hungry of protein.
3. Reduce muscle breakdown (muscle catabolism)
Protein powders are available in market in four types: whey, casein, soy and egg. Whey protein is most popular of all because of its complete amino acid profile. This is very helpful for muscle building. To select type of protein for yourself do not go by popularity but on important factors like: a) your diet plan, b) any food allergy, and c) easy availability at your local market.
Creatine provides energy to your muscles. This energy is used in muscle contraction. With added energy muscles can work longer and harder. This results in more reps, heavier weights and increased muscle mass.
The most popular form of creatine supplement is creatine monohydrate. You can take creatine monohydrate with water, fruit juice, dextrose or mixed with your protein or post workout shakes.
A multivitamin supplement that comes as capsule and tablet are a blend of essential vitamins and minerals. You take multivitamin to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals available in your normal diet. Multivitamin supplement does not show a direct link with muscle building but it helps keeping everyday health and well being.
Carbohydrate supplements come as simple and complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are slow digesting carbohydrates that you can use for additional calorie in your diet. But the most use of carbohydrate supplement is in simple carbohydrates or dextrose. This is used in post workout shakes to create insulin spiking in your blood. It helps moving nutrients through bloodstream into muscles cell faster and replaces lost glycogen.
EFAs (essential fatty acids)
EFAs are fats and oils that play an essential role in muscle growth, fitness and general health. It enhances stamina; speedy recovery from exhaustion, a Danish study found that EFAs, when taken in the small amount, improved cardiovascular function.
EFA supplements are available in two forms - oils and pills. Pills can be taken throughout the day and oils can be mixed with protein shakes or spread onto foods. Oils are the better way to get the right amounts of EFAs into your diet and can help increase your daily calorie intake.
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