Monday, October 19, 2009

Negative Effects of Smoke Exposion

We all know that inhaling second hand smoke is more dangerous than smoking itself. Many people wonder whether the dangers of inhaling cigar smoke are just as dangerous, or more.
Unfortunately, studies have shown that being exposed to secondhand smoke from a lit cigar can be just as dangerous or more than regular cigarette smoke.
Environmental tobacco smoke is a class to all secondhand smoke emitted by tobacco products. Environmental tobacco smoke is referred to all the secondhand smoke released from tobacco products that are lit, such as cigars or cigarette. Studies have indicated that the smoke from cigars and cigarettes releases many of the same types of irritants. Both cigar and cigarette environmental tobacco smoke contain nicotine, CO (which is a very toxic compound for your lungs), hydrogen cyanide, and ammonia.
The environmental tobacco smoke from cigars and cigarettes also releases well-known carcinogens (compounds that can stimulate cancer cell growth) such as vinyl chloride, benzene, arsenic, hydrocarbons, and nitrosamines. Cigars, because of their size, usually release more environmental tobacco smoke than cigarettes. More health threat can be posed just by being around cigar smoke than inhaling secondhand smoke from a lit cigarettes.
Another reason why cigars produce greater amounts of carcinogens is in their girth and length. We all know that cigars are bigger than cigarettes and that size enables them to release much more smoke containing higher concentrations of toxins and irritants. Also, cigars are designed to be smoked much more slowly than regular cigarettes. What's more, cigar smokers are encouraged to take their time and enjoy the relaxing experience. Of course, that gives them more reason to smoke with pleasure while polluting with more smoke. It is advised for all non-smokers to avoid areas where, especially cigars, are being smoked. For smokers, please keep in mind of your surroundings, do smoke in a well-ventilated area.

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