Saturday, October 24, 2009

5 Great Ways to Lose Weight Safely

These are 5 basic weight loss steps you can trust to help you lose those unwanted pounds. You can be sure to lose extra weight from lifestyle change and dieting that I will discuss below.

Step 1: Always Eat Breakfast! The famous saying 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day' is proven to be absolutely true. Our metabolism will increase greatly after breakfast and good night sleep. We need to sleep to keep our metabolism down so that our body can regulate their parts, that includes muscle restoration while breakfast kicks our metabolism up again. However having an unhealthy breakfast won't help. The key is to have a healthy breakfast. Try to incorporate whole grain cereals and breads, low fat dairy products like milk and yoghurt and fruit. Egg can be your best option as well. Some studies declares that egg consumption in the morning will help you to not over-eating for the rest of the day.

Step 2: Drink Loads of Water and Get Plenty of Sleep (The ideal is 8 hours sleep, just make sure you get high quality night sleep). You need to make sure you drink lots off water throughout the day. Water has many health benefits and helping with dieting is one of them. The more water you drink the less hungry you'll be as you will feel full and it helps detoxify your body. Make sure you get enough sleep as this will ensure your body gets enough time to recuperate and face any challenge. Although there are some studies that shows you water can be a stress to your kidney, it only holds true when you drink it a LOT, anyways just don't push yourself to drink beyond your limit and you should be just fine.

Step 3: Calories Intake. You have to know how many calories you are consuming. If your daily calorie intake is more than the amount of calories you burn then you will put on weight. It's a game of numbers. You need to know how many calories you need to maintain your current weight and then drop 50 calories a day and you will begin to lose weight. Once you know these things, you also need to keep track of how many calories you consume each day so that you can compare them to your target and make any necessary adjustments. Writing down your calorie consumption after each meal will help you realize how much of an effect the little piece of candy here and the occasional cookie there has on your weight although I'm sure it's such a rigorous work, you can bet on it to increase your awareness of your diet. We usually eat the same foods so you should familiarize yourself with the amount off calories in your usual foods. Try cutting the portions if need be. Important note is you actually need calories, but again the amount is what you must consider, you can consult to your health physician to get detailed information of your calories need.

Step 4: Take your time. You shouldn't try to lose weight too quickly. This could also have a detrimental effect on your health, as the sudden change will shock the body. Don't forget we want to burn the fat on our bodies not all the muscle. For our bodies to burn fat we need to exercise at a certain heart rate. If our heart rate is too high it is easier for our bodies to get energy by burning proteins and carbohydrates in our body instead of the fat. Rapid and significant weight loss from dieting alone is usually indicative of a very calorie restrictive diet, which is also counterproductive because for most of us it is unsustainable. I believe there is actually no easy way to accomplish this. You need dedication and a lot of it. Don't get fooled easily by foolish campaign like losing 20 more pounds in just a week. Even if it's true, I highly doubt that your body is doing well. Don't put yourselves at such risk, it's not worth it.

Step 5: Exercise, no replacement for this to get the best result. Muscle and activity keep our metabolism up which is why weight training to build or maintain our muscle mass and aerobic activity like walking, jogging, cycling and swimming are so important to those of us wanting to lose weight Dieting alone is not the best route to weight loss and to staying in an ideal weight range. To lose weight safely and keep it off for as long as possible, always combine dieting and exercise. Finally, I just want to say you should have a goal. You need something to motivate you and embed that into your mind so that when you feel low you can visualize your goal and motivation and this will keep you strong. Never underestimate the power the mind has over the body. Don't give in to your body easily, always remember that your body is capable more than you can think of.

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